Natural Remedies to Eliminate Toxins in the Body

Toxicity is one of the deadliest causes of sickness in today’s modern era and unfortunately, it is not mentioned enough in the medical industry.



The Conditions Caused by Environmental Toxins

Observe the things around you… what do you see? Are you inside a grocery store? On a farm? In a parking lot? Or the comfort of your own home? Whether you know it or not, regardless of your location, there is a high possibility that there are environmental toxins in close proximity.


Why Detoxification is the Right Choice for Your Body

Within recent years, detoxification has garnered a lot of attention throughout the medical industry and among patients. However, because this treatment has different variations of how it can be done, many struggle to understand its purpose. Firstly, detoxification is the process of removing toxic substances, bacteria and chemicals from the body. People choose to detox for various reasons whether it’s to ween off drugs, lose weight, increase their energy, or reduce inflammation.

The Connection Between Environmental Toxins & Lung Disease

In 1995, the state of California became the very first state to enact a statewide smoking ban for indoor areas. On July 1, 2003, Florida became one of the 26 states to ban indoor smoking (with the exclusion of bars). PBS News reported that widespread bans are meant to “eliminate the dangers of secondhand smoking, reduce the environmental impacts of cigarette butts and to keep young children from picking up bad habits”¹Tobacco smoke is also one of many environmental toxins that increases the risk of various respiratory diseases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that smoking caused approximately 480,000 deaths in the United States every year and that it is responsible for 90% of lung cancer cases and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

How to Detoxify for Better Neurological Health

In the 1950’s, a few pregnant women from a Japanese fishing village ingested fish that contained high amounts of mercury. Months after giving birth, their children showed signs of low intellect, poor motor skills, and mental retardation. Five years later in the same country, there were about 12,000 cases of arsenic poisoning found in children that drank arsenic-contaminated powdered milk. These children were 10% more likely to be mentally retarded compared to those that did not drink the milk¹.

The Problem with Plastic And its Effect on Our Health

Albert Einstein once said, “The Environment is everything that isn’t me.” And so, for decades society has changed their proposition on the importance of saving the Earth’s nature and environment by reducing the amount of rubbish that is tossed in the earth’s fresh waters and land. Have you ever heard of the “triple-R” phrase, “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle”? This phrase represents the triangular recycling logo that is plastered on every trashcan inside any restaurant, grocery store or public area.

Types of Environmental Toxins and their Inflammation Risks

In today’s society, it seems that catching the cold or flu is extremely easy to do. That’s because it is. As a matter of fact, many chronic conditions are becoming more widespread and apparent as time continues to move forward. This is due to the constant environmental toxins that continue to penetrate the air that we breathe and water that we drink. Not to mention, all of the daily products that people use (like cosmetics, cleaning products, plastic containers, gasoline, silverware, water bottles, and soda cans) which further adds more chemicals into the air.

The Health Concerns of Mold Exposure

An article produced by Live Science stated that the air we breathe contains approximately 1,800 kinds of bacteria¹. While most of it is produced through environmental factors, some of it can be found within the comfort of our own home. One notable bacteria that is found there would be mold. If one has ever noticed slimy black spots along the baseboards, shower tiles, air conditioning or outdoor area, this is a strong indication of mold. This bacteria is made up of multiple types of fungi that is reproduced into small tiny spores that initially cannot be seen, however it could give off a musty odor.

How Environmental Toxins Can Create an Unhealthy Heart

What defines our environment? An environment is usually associated with the people, culture, objects, and places that we surround ourselves with, whether it would be by choice or subconsciously. What many are unaware of is the environments that we choose to be in has an effect on our health. Studies show that environmental toxins play a role in causing cancer, pneumonia, autoimmune diseases, the common cold and the leading cause of death in the United States: Heart Disease. Even those with the healthiest heart have potential of developing high cholesterol, diabetes or are at a high risk of heart attacks if they surround themselves around toxic environments. How? Well, there are a few reasons.

How Environmental Toxins Can Create an Unhealthy Heart

What defines our environment? An environment is usually associated with the people, culture, objects, and places that we surround ourselves with, whether it would be by choice or subconsciously. What many are unaware of is the environments that we choose to be in has an effect on our health. Studies show that environmental toxins play a role in causing cancer, pneumonia, autoimmune diseases, the common cold and the leading cause of death in the United States: Heart Disease. Even those with the healthiest heart have potential of developing high cholesterol, diabetes or are at a high risk of heart attacks if they surround themselves around toxic environments. How? Well, there are a few reasons.