Alexiys Rodriguez Bio

Alexiys M. Rodriguez, a proud American of Cuban heritage, hails from the vibrant city of Key West, Florida. From a young age, Alexiys has been driven by an unwavering passion for beauty, health, and wellness, which has become the guiding force in her life and career.

With an impressive 35 years of experience in the industry, Alexiys has established herself as a respected entrepreneur, teacher, and collaborator. She has worked alongside renowned dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and other professionals, constantly expanding her knowledge and expertise. Her dedication to her craft is evident in the three Florida State licensures and multiple certifications she holds in various modalities.

As a Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Alexiys brings a holistic approach to her work, ensuring that her clients receive the most up-to-date treatments, procedures, and techniques in the Health, Beauty, and Wellness Industries. Her commitment to staying at the forefront of her field has earned her a reputation as a trusted and innovative professional.

Alexiys’ passion for her work is matched only by her desire to empower others. As a teacher, she shares her knowledge and experience with aspiring professionals, helping to shape the future of the industry. Her dedication to her clients, her community, and her profession is truly inspiring, making her a shining example of what can be achieved through hard work, perseverance, and a genuine love for what you do.